Money: I feel like I'm finally making money! It's fabulous. With 47 hours of work next week, that's a solid paycheck and some overtime. Our busy season is starting and my work schedule is exploding! It'll be exhausting but so worth it.
Males: Everyone keeps asking me if I've find a boy here yet. That's a no. For one, there are hardly any LDS guys here. And as for the ones that aren't, the good looking ones are usually gay. There is one guy that I keep running into that gets drunk a lot and calls me BYU. I think it's pretty funny. There's another guy that calls me Utah...
Margaritas: The kid that calls me Utah wants me to come over for margaritas. Not gonna happen. It was a nice offer by him though.
Music: I love Disney music. And I'm surprised I'm not suck of it. While I do kind of get sick of the same songs over and over in the store sometimes, I still go home and listen to more. The music in the musicals and firework shows make me so happy. And typically brings tears from my roommates' eyes. If I cried, I might shed a tear. But no..
Magic. Self explanatory. This summer is magical.
I'm still having a blast. Yesterday was absolutely amazing. I went on my favorite rides and got perfect seats for The Little Mermaid and FRONT ROW SEATS to Beauty and the Beast. That was the most amazing thing ever. I could seriously watch that show all the time and never get sick of it. It makes me feel like a little kid who has butterflies in their stomach the night before Christmas. My favorite songs right now are the reprise of Belle and Part of Your World:
Madame Gaston, his little wife.
No, sure, not me, I guarantee it.
I want much more then this provincial life!
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more then I can tell.
And for once it might be grand
to have someone understand
I want so much more then they've got planned.
I want it more then I can tell.
And for once it might be grand
to have someone understand
I want so much more then they've got planned.
What would I give
To live where you are?
What would I pay
To stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you
Smiling at me?
Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun?
Just you and me
And I could be
Part of your world
I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Some day I'll be
Part of your world
Love. Love. Love.
It's songs like these that really make me stop and think about my life. I'm getting my adventure outside of Utah and I'm loving it--best summer of my life so far. (Which is funny to say when most people aren't even out of school yet..) And I feel like I'm doing more now than I ever did at BYU. I'm living my adventure and I'm scared of going back. I just don't feel like BYU could ever give me the satisfaction and the things I want to fulfill and accomplish in my life. I want more than it seems like BYU has planned for me. Maybe once I start my major it will change. We shall see.
And the second song has basically no relevance to my life at the present time. I just love it and it makes me happy inside.
To end the last night I went and saw Fantasmic with Caitlin..magical. Another show I could see over and over again and not get tired of it. I get the chills every time I see Mickey conducting the fountains and fireworks. I am such a hopeless romantic, guys. I see the princesses dancing and...*sigh*. Love it. The longer I'm here the more I wonder if I'm going to be able to leave it. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll be more than ready to go home, but for now I'm going to keep living it up and soaking up every minute of this Florida sun.
Outside my window: The blue skies and sunshine that I never want to leave.
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