After the farewell and pictures and running back to Provo so that Beth could play piano for our amazing ward choir, I went home and relaxed. I'd finished just the day before a week of death and definitely deserved it. Me and Beth (ok, basically just Beth) made and awesome dinner of mashed potatoes, steak and peas. It was pretty great especially since the only real food I'd had in the previous two days was a Cafe Rio Salad (again, courtesy of Beth. Isn't she the greatest?). And then I made these amazing pumpkin chocolate chip muffins with my good friend Ethan Cook. You'd think with his last name he's pretty much be professional but he was mostly the best at eating the batter. He looked pretty darn good though:
It is definitely the greatest apron ever and he wore it pretty well.
It probably would've made more sense to trade aprons but I think it worked out just fine. Especially wearing them to ward prayer. Now that was fun. And everyone was jealous.
It was a party. And the muffins were absolutely fantastic. We just happened to make way too many cuz Beth had the brilliant idea of doubling the recipe and Ethan agreed. Way to go kids. Luckily we have some hungry people in our ward that ate them.

Phoebus: Why is it, whenever we meet, I end up bleeding?
Esmeralda: You're lucky. That arrow almost pierced your heart.
Phoebus: [holding her hand to his heart] I'm not so sure it didn't.
Can I get an "awwwwww!"? Love it. It was a successful Sunday.
On Monday night our FHE group went to the corn maze with another group. And me and Beth were bad influences and made other people come with us. Baha. It was fun though. While some people obviously don't know the rules of mazes *cough cough Ethan* it was fun watching everyone try to scare people and be scary. The jumping thing was fun too, just not worth the wait. Cold Stone followed and it was a great end to the night. Another success. Go team.
On Monday night our FHE group went to the corn maze with another group. And me and Beth were bad influences and made other people come with us. Baha. It was fun though. While some people obviously don't know the rules of mazes *cough cough Ethan* it was fun watching everyone try to scare people and be scary. The jumping thing was fun too, just not worth the wait. Cold Stone followed and it was a great end to the night. Another success. Go team.
We have some pretty cool friends. Just sayin.
Well folks, that's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your week. :)
Tom Biggs Tom Biggs Tom Biggs!! :)