......................You still need stars when you're wishin' at night..................
...............................A best friend to set you right,..............................
good laugh, a warm bath,......................
..........................And a beautiful song you can SING along to.................................
...............................Good news that'll make you cry.......................................
.......................All the little things that money can't buy.......................
.....................................No wars, no more,............................
....................................just a big RAINBOW.................................

....................................outside my window................................

Friday, October 15, 2010

Really Quick.

150 AFAP (as fast as possible)

So I'm getting to the end of my crazy week with six midterms, ten quizzes, and so very many assignments. Not to mention deadlines coming up for other assignments and tests next week and applications for internships and study abroad stuff meaning I have to figure out what I want to do with my life next year. Add mission farewells, church activities, work, cleaning checks, and everything else basically gets put on hold. This gives you a really pointless blog post to read that’s basically about nothing. I hope you’re enjoying these few minutes that you will never get back. Hopefully next week I'll be back on top of everything and back to my normal routine and have something somewhat amusing to keep you entertained for a minute. And now I get to check one more thing off my to-do list in five…four…three…two…one…150 words. Later!

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