......................You still need stars when you're wishin' at night..................
...............................A best friend to set you right,..............................
good laugh, a warm bath,......................
..........................And a beautiful song you can SING along to.................................
...............................Good news that'll make you cry.......................................
.......................All the little things that money can't buy.......................
.....................................No wars, no more,............................
....................................just a big RAINBOW.................................

....................................outside my window................................

Friday, November 5, 2010

And the winner is...

Mike Lee. :) Go team. For those of you who don't know, my dad has been working for the last long while for Mike Lee, who is now the senator elect for the state of Utah. Yes, we won. :) Then again it's not a huge surprise seeing as he was the Republican candidate and there's hardly ever a democrat who wins in this state. (Yes, Matheson did win. And it's only cuz he has a great last name, let's be honest.) It was a really fun night full of music and speeches and so much yummy food. We definitely went from room to room tasting the food. There was so much of it and I definitely felt like throwing up by the end. Oh, and I was on TV. :P Well, the side/back of my head was. My dad had several shining moments on camera. After all he is the one who gets to introduce Mike all the time and make sure his speeches are fabulous. It was a really fun night and great to have the entire family together celebrating. So, great job team. Hurray for the chance to vote, I hope you all took the chance to vote and exercise your rights in this country. That's all for now. :)

Outside my window: dark and not so cold. Yay. :)

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