......................You still need stars when you're wishin' at night..................
...............................A best friend to set you right,..............................
good laugh, a warm bath,......................
..........................And a beautiful song you can SING along to.................................
...............................Good news that'll make you cry.......................................
.......................All the little things that money can't buy.......................
.....................................No wars, no more,............................
....................................just a big RAINBOW.................................

....................................outside my window................................

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shut the door..the farmer's coming!

Who doesn't love a good inside joke?

This past weekend my roommates and I got all bundled up and my awesome sister took pictures of us. Hundreds of them.

And with those hours of picture taking, several inside jokes were brought up, and a few more were created. Inside jokes along with lots of random, funny phrases...here's just a few.

Beth's gonna hate me
Shut the door, the farmer's coming!


Apparently Beth can't..

Well that was stupid..

Let's make sad faces again!


I guess we weren't supposed to throw them yet?..

Holly struggles..

Something about being Bigger and Tanner...

Can I get an epic with that fail?

Lindsay's fat picture..
"Did you just say Lindsay's fat? That totally made my day!"

I've got dirt on my hand! :(

That's nasty.

I know I know I know I know!

B 'n' B baby

Aw we're so great.
 And Rascal Flatts' new CD is pretty great too. Just sayin.

Outside my window: Crispy autumn leaves that remind me that it's almost time for Thanksgiving break :D

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