......................You still need stars when you're wishin' at night..................
...............................A best friend to set you right,..............................
good laugh, a warm bath,......................
..........................And a beautiful song you can SING along to.................................
...............................Good news that'll make you cry.......................................
.......................All the little things that money can't buy.......................
.....................................No wars, no more,............................
....................................just a big RAINBOW.................................

....................................outside my window................................

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend Assignment #2

Stress? We're all stressed. It's the week before finals and obviously everyone has way too much stuff to do and way too little motivation to get any of it done. But if we were to all help each other out a little bit, could we diminish the stress a little? I think so. This week my wonderful, fabulous roommate Ju turned the big 2-0. She is no longer a teenager. Exciting? I think so. She had a lot going on on her birthday--so much that it definitely shouldn't have been legal. So what did I do? Grabbed my other two roommates and spent part of the crazy afternoon making BTS cake and finding some friends who were home to celebrate with us. It gave everyone the chance to breathe and have a good time with friends and get re-energized for whatever else they had going on that night and for the rest of the week. So much fun. And me and Ju definitely devoured the leftover cake the next day. So worth the calories. :)

Outside my window: A beautiful winter day that totally doesn't feel like December. I'm loving it :)

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